Our Nursery

Our Nursery

We welcome you and your child to Holy Trinity Childcare! Holy Trinity Episcopal Church Childcare provides a loving, safe, stimulating, and nurturing environment for the children given to our care. We work to make each child’s first experience with the Church a positive one. Holy Trinity provides a nursery during Sunday worship services from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. for children ages up to 5 years old. The nursery is in Room 105 of our Education Wing. It is staffed by two adult employees of the parish. The nursery is also open during other parish events on an as-needs basis. If you choose not to leave your children in our nursery, they are always welcome to be with you during our worship services.
Childcare Necessities
If you do leave your child in Holy Trinity’s nursery, consider bringing these items “just-in-case . . .”
Change of clothing
Bag for soiled clothes/diapers
All items brought to the nursery should be marked clearly with your child’s name.

Safe Church Ministry

The Episcopal Church, The Episcopal Diocese of Texas and all the folk at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church want church to be a safe place for all people, especially our children. For this reason, all employees (full or part-time) of churches, schools and diocesan institutions and all volunteers who work with children and youth in any ministry setting are required to be certified in Safeguarding God’s Children and to have background checks. Safeguarding God’s Children is a training and monitoring program implemented by the Episcopal Church in cooperation with Praesidium, Inc. The training informs participants of the ways predators gain access to and groom children for abuse and it outlines the safeguards the Church has put in place to protect children and youth in our churches, schools and diocesan institutions. The required three-hour trainings are scheduled in churches, schools and diocesan institutions as needed to be in compliance with the SGC policy standard that requires training within thirty days of beginning employment or ministry with children and youth. Re-certification is required every five years.