One of the things that links Anglicans of all nationalities and cultures around the world is our liturgical worship rooted in common prayer. No matter which pew you sit in around the world, Anglican worship is connected by the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Table. Having said this, any priest who has celebrated at an unfamiliar altar knows that the first thing that is asked of the Eucharistic Ministers and the Altar Guild is, “How do you worship here? We Episcopalians–American Anglicans–share one Book of Common Prayer, yet due to architecture or local custom dating back to The Exodus, each parish has its own look and feel of a common liturgy.
There are few “cradle Episcopalians” at Holy Trinity. Most of our membership come to the Episcopal Church from somewhere else. We are neither high church nor low church; we are somewhere in the middle. We use Sanctus bells and reverence the altar. Our current worship pattern is to change liturgy by the liturgical season. We are, however, flexible and we look forward to a new rector bringing us new visions and new ways to think about worship!
8:15 a.m. Rite 2 Holy Eucharist Service without music
10:30 a.m. Rite 2 Holy Eucharist Service with hymns
Our current organist is exceptionally talented, flexible, and world traveled. He has the desire to expand our Music Ministry to include our children, youth, and multiple instruments.
Our Allen AP-3/AP-4 electronic organ has a MDS-Expander and an Allen Smart recorder. We have over 300 hymns saved in MIDI format and have been able to utilize these hymns when the need arises.
We have available and have used two hymnals in worship: the Episcopal Hymnal 1982 and The Celebration Hymnal: Songs and Hymns.
Lay Worship Volunteers
Currently, all our Lay Worship Volunteers are on a four-week cycle: Eucharistic Ministers, Lay Readers, Ushers, Altar Guild and Hospitality. If someone has to be out, the volunteers are good at arranging their replacement in advance.
We have found that Sunday School and Children’s Church works best during our 10:30 a.m. worship service. During announcements the children join the congregation to take communion with their families.